Mengontrol Lalu lintas Bandwidth Internet Aplikasi Dengan NetBalancer
NetBalancer adalah program untuk platform berbasis Windows yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengontrol dan memantau aktivitas unduhan (Downloads) dan unggahan (Uploads) untuk mengontrol lalu lintas bandwidth. dapat memantau lalu lintas internet.
Program ini dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur canggih untuk mengontrol hal-hal terpenting ketika mengunggah atau mengunduh file, Anda dapat mengatur unduhan dan mengunggah batas kecepatan untuk suatu proses, mengelola prioritas dan batas untuk setiap jaringan, menetapkan aturan lalu lintas jaringan yang terperinci, melindungi semua pengaturan dan prioritas dengan meletakkan kata sandi untuk menjaganya tetap pribadi, dapat melihat keseluruhan sistem lalu lintas dalam presentasi grafik agar mudah dipahami. Anda dapat dengan mudah memonitor seluruh keadaan di jaringan anda serta membatasi prose download dan juga upload sebuah aplikasi
At the end of the installation procedure, NetBalancer automatically restarts your web browsers. Once initialized, a list of all active processes is displayed in the main frame.
You can check out the ID, download and upload rate, priority, download and upload limit, number of connections, downloaded and uploaded size, along with the file path, command line, and creation date for each process.
The bottom part of the panel contains a traffic chart and a list with remote IP connections and ports, protocols, statuses, local IPs and ports, process name, and others.
It is possible to establish the download and upload priority, create rules, reset all traffic, configure network adapters, block all network traffic, as well as choose another language for the UI. These are just some of the options provided by NetBalance.
The application is very light on the system resources, running on low CPU and RAM. It has a good response time and works smoothly, without causing the OS to hang, crash or pop up error dialogs. Thanks to its advanced settings, NetBalancer should please power users.
NetBalancer? Download disini
You can check out the ID, download and upload rate, priority, download and upload limit, number of connections, downloaded and uploaded size, along with the file path, command line, and creation date for each process.
The bottom part of the panel contains a traffic chart and a list with remote IP connections and ports, protocols, statuses, local IPs and ports, process name, and others.
It is possible to establish the download and upload priority, create rules, reset all traffic, configure network adapters, block all network traffic, as well as choose another language for the UI. These are just some of the options provided by NetBalance.
The application is very light on the system resources, running on low CPU and RAM. It has a good response time and works smoothly, without causing the OS to hang, crash or pop up error dialogs. Thanks to its advanced settings, NetBalancer should please power users.
NetBalancer? Download disini
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