Membackup Sistem Windows Dan Program Terinstal Saat Windows Sedang Berjalan Dengan Drive Snapshot
Drive Snapshot adalah aplikasi yang dapat membackup dari sistem windows anda secara keseluruhan termasuk di dalamnya program dan games yang terinstal dalam bentuk file Image. Jika sesuatu yang tidak terduga terjadi pada komputer Anda seperti hard disk crash, mendapatkan virus yang tidak dapat dihapus dengan antivirus dan sebagainya, Anda dapat mengembalikan semua itu hanya dalam hitungan menit.
Program ini tidak hanya akan menyimpan file yang Anda buat seperti dokumen Word, gambar dan film, tetapi juga sistem operasi windows Anda, semua program yang terinstal, data dan atribut keamanan. Dan mungkin fitur yang paling mengesankan adalah Anda dapat melakukan semua ini saat Windows sedang berjalan dan Anda terus bekerja.
The tool will not only save files that you have created like Word documents, pictures and movies, but also your operating system, all installed programs, data and security attributes. And probably the most impressive feature is that you can do all this while Windows is running and you continue to work.
This software tool enables you to save all your data quite often, so that you can prevent loss of important information. In order to backup, you can use any device suitable for file storage like your local drive, a network drive, any removable drive or cloud storage.
You have to keep in mind that the speed at which you are able to create a backup will depend mostly on the amount of information you are trying to save and your computer's performance. This means that saving everything you have may take anything from a few minutes to a few hours.
The interface of this program is very simple and intuitive, yet slightly outdated. It contains just a few buttons and a pane to display detected drives and therefore, any type of user will be able to work their way around this app.
To sum up, Drive Snapshot is a helpful piece of software when it comes to creating a backup for all information on your PC. It has a good response time and a simple-to-use environment. CPU and memory usage might be, at times, a bit high, yet this is to be expected from this type of tool.
Drive Snapshot? Download disini
This software tool enables you to save all your data quite often, so that you can prevent loss of important information. In order to backup, you can use any device suitable for file storage like your local drive, a network drive, any removable drive or cloud storage.
You have to keep in mind that the speed at which you are able to create a backup will depend mostly on the amount of information you are trying to save and your computer's performance. This means that saving everything you have may take anything from a few minutes to a few hours.
The interface of this program is very simple and intuitive, yet slightly outdated. It contains just a few buttons and a pane to display detected drives and therefore, any type of user will be able to work their way around this app.
To sum up, Drive Snapshot is a helpful piece of software when it comes to creating a backup for all information on your PC. It has a good response time and a simple-to-use environment. CPU and memory usage might be, at times, a bit high, yet this is to be expected from this type of tool.
Drive Snapshot? Download disini
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